Application Number 24/00213/FUL
Status Refused

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Planning Online Status

  • Application
  • Consultation
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  • Decision
  • Appeal
  • Appeal
Application Number 24/00213/FUL
Location Address Land to the east of the A4440.
Proposal Two drive thru facilities, electric vehicle charging facilities, parking, landscaping and associated works.
Status Refusal
Application Type Full planning permission
Appeal Decision N/A

Important Dates
Application Received Date 26/03/2024
Application Valid Date 12/04/2024
Consultation Start Date 15/05/2024
Site Visited / Site Notice Date
Consultation End 20/09/2024
Advert Expiry 23/05/2024
Committee Date (if applicable)
Committee Agenda
Decision Date 30/09/2024

Further Information
Expected Decision Level Delegated
Case Officer Charlotte Atkins
Parish Warndon
Ward St Nicholas Ward
Applicant Canmoor Limited
Agent Miss Emma Rawson, Planning Prospects Ltd
Agent Address 4 Mill Pool Nash Lane Belbroughton Worcestershire DY9 9AF

Condition Details / Information Notes
The site forms part of an allocated employment site (SWDP43/23) within the adopted South Worcestershire Development Plan. The proposal would result in a unjustified loss of employment land, particularly when taken weighed in the context of a reduced supply of employment land over the Plan period, is considered to be harmful in economic and social terms undermining the strategic aims of the development plan. It is therefore in conflict with South Worcestershire Development Plan policies SWDP2, SWDP3, SWDP 8 and SWDP43 and the principles of Chapter 6 Building a strong, competitive economy of the National Planning Policy Framework.
The proposed uses are classified as ‘town centre’ use, in respect of which the sequential test applies, to ensure the protection and promotion of centres and local shops. The proposal fails to show adequate consideration of flexibility in terms of the format, considering the development as a whole for the purposes of finding a sequentially preferable site without adequate justification for this approach. On this basis it is concluded that the sequential test has not been satisfied and it has not been adequately demonstrated that the development cannot be accommodated within a more sequentially preferable site within or close to the City Centre. The proposal is therefore in conflict with South Worcestershire Development Plan policy SWDP10 and the principles and requirements of Chapter 7 Ensuring the vitality of town centres of the National Planning Policy Framework and the Planning Practice Guidance - Town centres and retail.
The proposed development is adjacent and nearby to protected species transitory routes, Local Wildlife Sites and an Ancient Woodland. The submission has not demonstrated that the site’s development, in particular its lighting strategy, would not adversely impact protected species and neighbouring habitats. The proposal is therefore in conflict with South Worcestershire Development Plan policy SWDP22 and the Habitats and biodiversity section of Chapter 15 Conserving and enhancing the natural environment of the National Planning Policy Framework and the Natural Environment and Rural Communities Act 2006
By virtue of the standard building designs proposed, their siting and limited scope for impactful planting it is considered that in its context, the development would not integrate effectively with its surroundings or relate well to them. In addition there is significant concern that the development will result in a deterioration and loss of the tree/hedge corridor along the A4440, that is a key characteristic of the locality and forms part of the wider green network. The proposal would result in a poor design in the context of the site leading to harm to the visual amenity and character of the area. It is therefore contrary to South Worcestershire Development Plan policy SWDP21 and the principles and requirements of Chapter 12 Achieving well-designed and beautiful places of the National Planning Policy Framework.
The site is within an Archaeologically Sensitive Area and has a known archaeological potential. Neither a desk top assessment nor a Heritage Statement has been submitted. The significance of any assets of archaeological interest have therefore not been demonstrated or how these can be appropriately mitigated in the site’s development. As such the proposal would result in a minimum of less than substantial harm to heritage assets, which has not been justified or positively outweighed. The proposal, therefore, does not accord with South Worcestershire Development Plan policies SWDP6 and SWDP24 and the principles and requirements of Chapter 16 Conserving and enhancing the historic environment of the National Planning Policy Framework.
Due to the site’s layout and density the development would fail to minimise the scope for conflicts between pedestrians, cyclists and vehicles, or give priority to cycle movements, to achieve healthy and safe communities and in terms of positively contributing to the wider goal of moving to a low carbon economy. In addition, the outdoor dining areas would be unpleasant and unhealthy to use due to their location in close proximity to associated noise and fumes. The proposal results in a poor internal design that causes harm to future users of the development and therefore conflicts with South Worcestershire Development Plan policies SWDP4 and SWDP21 and the principles and requirements of Chapter 9 Promoting sustainable transport of the National Planning Policy Framework.
The Local Planning Authority has acted positively and proactively in determining this application by identifying matters of policy conflict with the applicant's agent, giving the opportunity for further information to be submitted and determining the application within a timely manner, within the agreed extension of time. The Officer's Report and reasons for refusal clearly set out the assessment and reasoning for the refusal of planning permission, which in this case where not considered able to be overcome with. The applicant is advised to seek further pre-planning application advice, to review the scope for development in a policy compliant way.

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Application Documents
Planning Application Documents

Consultation Responses

Neighbour List

In addition to consultations with the consultee listed, we will publicise the application in accordance with national requirements and our local policy. This publicity usually takes the form of letters to nearby properties, the posting of site notices and/or the placing of a public notice in our local newspapers.

Name Address Sent Reply Received
Aaron Milborrow 9 Tavern Orchard WORCESTER WR4 0NS 01/05/2024
Abid perwez 68 Avon Road WORCESTER WR4 9AG 01/05/2024
Abigail Barker 27 Leeds Avenue WORCESTER WR4 0QL 02/05/2024
Abigail Oates 17 Herne Field WORCESTER WR4 0NN 23/05/2024
Adrian Norsworthy 44 Romney Way WORCESTER WR5 2DW 24/04/2024
Adrian Stanley 10 Thackholme WORCESTER WR4 0RZ 24/04/2024
Agnieszka Bulawa 18 Grosmont Avenue WORCESTER WR4 0RD 04/06/2024
Alan Williams 12 Nightingale Avenue WORCESTER WR4 0LZ 27/04/2024
Alison Neath 3 Ripley Gardens WORCESTER WR4 0SH 02/05/2024
Amanda Ford 8 Fowler Avenue WORCESTER WR4 0LU 24/04/2024
Amanda Newbould 453 Tolladine Road WORCESTER WR4 9NL 01/05/2024
Amanda Steenson 9 Hingley Avenue WORCESTER WR4 0PH 01/07/2024
Andrea Donnelly 6 Haggs Meadow WORCESTER WR4 0RY 27/04/2024
Andrew Cross 1 Bearcroft Avenue WORCESTER WR4 0DR 24/04/2024
Andrew Howe 4 Brecon Avenue WORCESTER WR4 0RJ 19/05/2024
Andrew Turner 6 Tavern Orchard WORCESTER WR4 0NS 01/05/2024
Anna Csermak 15 Grosmont Avenue WORCESTER WR4 0RD 04/06/2024
Anne Watson 29 Corfe Avenue WORCESTER WR4 0EB 28/04/2024
Annemarie Kelly 23 Saltwood Avenue WORCESTER WR4 0JP 24/04/2024
Barney Burnham 10 Greenfield Close WORCESTER WR4 0HG 21/05/2024
Ben Stott 30 Slade Avenue WORCESTER WR4 0HB 28/04/2024
Bertie Saunders 5 Duck Meadow WORCESTER WR4 0HA 04/05/2024
Beth Richardson 9 Hoskyns Avenue WORCESTER WR4 0LL 01/05/2024
Bethany 12 Bolton Avenue WORCESTER WR4 0ST 01/05/2024
Beverley Downing 17 Pitt Avenue WORCESTER WR4 0PL 25/04/2024
Beverley marsh 15 Cangle Lane WORCESTER WR4 0DY 08/05/2024
Beverly Stanley 10 Thackholme WORCESTER WR4 0RZ 05/05/2024
Bob 1 Hoskyns Avenue WORCESTER WR4 0LL 29/04/2024
Brenda Ward 10 Ludlow Avenue WORCESTER WR4 0EN 05/06/2024
Brett Gwilliam 2 Stony Close WORCESTER WR4 0JY 24/04/2024
Brian Evans 30 Snowberry Avenue WORCESTER WR4 0JA 19/05/2024
Bruce Jenkins 4 Ostler Drive WORCESTER WR2 6AF 06/05/2024
Carol Howe 4 Brecon Avenue WORCESTER WR4 0RJ 19/05/2024
Catherine Kevis 6 Sudeley Avenue WORCESTER WR4 0EE 24/04/2024
Celena Rossano 23 Turbary Avenue WORCESTER WR4 0PS 03/05/2024
Charlotte 23 Clarkson Gardens WORCESTER WR4 0QS 24/04/2024
Cheryl Cunningham 42 Cobden Avenue WORCESTER WR4 0NA 24/04/2024
Chris Gray 42 Hoskyns Avenue WORCESTER WR4 0LL 24/04/2024
Christian Evans 29 Great Oaty Gardens WORCESTER WR4 0HD 04/05/2024
Christy Johnson 1 Windles Row WORCESTER WR4 0RS 28/04/2024
Claire Newbrook 11 Egremont Gardens WORCESTER WR4 0QH 01/05/2024
Claire Rebbeck 40 Tiree Avenue WORCESTER WR5 3UA 01/07/2024
Claire Richardson 4 Tutbury Row WORCESTER WR4 0RU 23/05/2024
Clare Hill 9 Quisters WORCESTER WR4 0UT 01/05/2024
Clare Pickford 30 Haines Avenue WORCESTER WR4 0DG 24/04/2024
Colin Goldfinch 48 Powderham Avenue WORCESTER WR4 0DN 24/04/2024
Corin Fletcher 24 Millhams Avenue WORCESTER WR4 0RN 30/04/2024
Cristian Chiciu 18 Holland Green WORCESTER WR4 0NG 01/05/2024
D Peirce 20 Broadway Grove WORCESTER WR2 5EU 02/09/2024
Darren leverett 5 Wirlpiece Avenue WORCESTER WR4 0NF 28/05/2024
Darren Washbourne 6 Auckland Close WORCESTER WR4 0SU 05/05/2024
Dave Clarke 16 Stafford Avenue WORCESTER WR4 0TA 24/06/2024
David Hall 78 Ploughmans walk Droitwich WR9 9DY 24/06/2024
David Nunn 15 Scafell Close WORCESTER WR4 9BZ 21/06/2024
Dawn Merriman 4 Wood Leason Avenue WORCESTER WR4 0EU 05/06/2024
Dean Wilkinson 10 Windles Row WORCESTER WR4 0RS 24/04/2024
Deb Davies 7 Fry Close WORCESTER WR4 0SD 25/04/2024
Deborah Purvis 3 White Hill WORCESTER WR4 0JG 28/04/2024
Dee Cornish 10 Wain Green WORCESTER WR4 0HP 01/05/2024
Denise Hutt 7 Attwood Place WORCESTER WR4 0SW 01/07/2024
Diana Davies 39 Powderham Avenue WORCESTER WR4 0DN 22/05/2024
Diana Rawlings 46 Pippen Field WORCESTER WR4 0LP 24/04/2024
Diana White 1 Stafford Avenue WORCESTER WR4 0TA 25/04/2024
Domenic Rossano 23 Turbary Avenue WORCESTER WR4 0PS 03/05/2024
Donald Beckett 6 Farnham Green WORCESTER WR4 0ED 26/04/2024
Elaine Wilson 10 Hunt Avenue WORCESTER WR4 0QW 01/05/2024
Elizabeth McKinnon 17 Grassington Drive WORCESTER WR4 0BE 25/04/2024
Ellen Maddison 28 Cartwright Avenue WORCESTER WR4 0NZ 24/04/2024
Emily Jordan 4 Bacchurst Place WORCESTER WR4 0NH 01/07/2024
Emma 10 Haines Avenue WORCESTER WR4 0DG 23/05/2024
Emma Cartwright 12 Brecon Avenue WORCESTER WR4 0RJ 24/04/2024
Erica Hinwood 28 Towneley WORCESTER WR4 0RH 24/04/2024
Eve Austen 15 Towneley WORCESTER WR4 0RH 28/04/2024
Fiona Morrell 8 Lily Green Lane, Redditch 01/06/2024
Fiona Owens 15 Stafford Avenue WORCESTER WR4 0TA 25/04/2024
Fred Bromwich 10 Dover Avenue WORCESTER WR4 0LA 25/04/2024
Gareth Wiliams. 1 Wryflatt WORCESTER WR4 0LW 07/05/2024
Gary Rowe 20 Corfe Avenue WORCESTER WR4 0EB 24/04/2024
Gemma Willetts 19 Corfe Avenue WORCESTER WR4 0EB 07/05/2024
George Coates 6 Watchetts Green WORCESTER WR4 0RT 12/09/2024
Georgia Baker-Rhymes 15 Hoskyns Avenue WORCESTER WR4 0LL 15/05/2024
gerard daly 3 Bacchurst Place WORCESTER WR4 0NH 14/05/2024
Gillian McManus 10 Cobden Avenue WORCESTER WR4 0NA 17/05/2024
Gillian Shapton 16 Topham Avenue WORCESTER WR4 0PG 25/04/2024
Glen Lownds 11 Marsh Avenue WORCESTER WR4 0HJ 06/05/2024
Graham Wilde 13 Bearcroft Avenue WORCESTER WR4 0DR 30/04/2024
Gray 18 Toftdale Green WORCESTER WR4 0PE 24/04/2024
Hanna 14 Purleigh Avenue WORCESTER WR4 0DX 24/04/2024
Harjit Basran 9 Dunmow Avenue WORCESTER WR4 0NR 04/05/2024
Harriet Overfield 14 Cangle Lane WORCESTER WR4 0DY 01/05/2024
Hayley Burridge 32 Millhams Avenue WORCESTER WR4 0RN 06/05/2024
Hazel SHERRINGTON 9 Shaftesbury Green WORCESTER WR4 0SA 28/04/2024
Heather Randle 19 Purleigh Avenue WORCESTER WR4 0DX 24/04/2024
Helen 4 Falmouth WORCESTER WR4 0TE 25/04/2024
Helen Bate 14 Homestead Avenue WORCESTER WR4 0DA 01/05/2024
Helen Darke 9 Hunt Avenue WORCESTER WR4 0QW 24/04/2024
Helen Milborrow 9 Tavern Orchard WORCESTER WR4 0NS 01/05/2024
Hilary Maggs 64 Marsh Avenue WORCESTER WR4 0HJ 01/07/2024
Holly Washbourne 6 Auckland Close WORCESTER WR4 0SU 06/05/2024
Howard Gregory 4 Ripley Gardens WORCESTER WR4 0SH 15/05/2024
Iain Fleming 8 Powderham Avenue WORCESTER WR4 0DN 30/05/2024
Ian Chapman 7 Lovett Place WORCESTER WR4 0QU 24/04/2024
Ian Dimmick 2 Broadfield Gardens WORCESTER WR4 0DP 24/04/2024
Jack Whittaker 11 Little Piece WORCESTER WR4 0RR 07/05/2024
Jackie Piper 3 Egremont Gardens WORCESTER WR4 0QH 26/04/2024
James Grant 17 Bentham Avenue WORCESTER WR4 0RF 01/07/2024
James Lawler 7 Burtree Avenue WORCESTER WR4 0NQ 01/05/2024
James Williams 11 Bomford Hill WORCESTER WR4 0PW 02/05/2024
Jan Cox 11 Francis Road Stourbridge DY8 3LT 13/05/2024
Jane Beckett 6 Farnham Green WORCESTER WR4 0ED 30/04/2024
Jane Fairlamb 8 Bacchurst Place WORCESTER WR4 0NH 01/05/2024
Jason Ball 2 Stafford Avenue WORCESTER WR4 0TA 24/04/2024
jason lowden 3 Thetford Avenue WORCESTER WR4 0RB 13/05/2024
Jayne Garner 9 Wirlpiece Avenue WORCESTER WR4 0NF 25/04/2024
Jemma Newman 4 White Castle WORCESTER WR4 0RA 31/05/2024
Jennie Lowe 10 Dunster Close WORCESTER WR4 0EQ 05/05/2024
Jennifer Chaddock 11 hoskyns Ave Harley Warren 01/05/2024
Jennifer Hall-Manchester 39 Mabbs Close WORCESTER WR4 0SY 01/05/2024
Jeremy Ford 8 Fowler Avenue WORCESTER WR4 0LU 24/04/2024
Jo Hine 5 Huxtable Rise WORCESTER WR4 0NX 24/04/2024
Jo Leverett 5 Wirlpiece Avenue WORCESTER WR4 0NF 24/04/2024
Joanna Dobson 22 Bolton Avenue WORCESTER WR4 0ST 03/05/2024
Joanne Evans 30 Snowberry Avenue WORCESTER WR4 0JA 19/05/2024
Joanne Warner 57 Cartwright Avenue WORCESTER WR4 0NZ 11/05/2024
Joe 2 Spring Meadow WORCESTER WR4 0HF 01/05/2024
John Moroney 3 Hemsley Place WORCESTER WR4 0QQ 02/05/2024
John Parker 14 Norman Close WORCESTER WR4 0HS 29/04/2024
John Swindells 9 Bentham Avenue WORCESTER WR4 0RF 24/04/2024
John-Paul Moule 28 Rectory Lane, rock, dy14 9rs 13/05/2024 11 Brecon Avenue WORCESTER WR4 0RJ 01/05/2024
Jonathan Martin 6 Walmer Crescent WORCESTER WR4 0ES 03/07/2024
Jonathan miller 22 Bolton Avenue WORCESTER WR4 0ST 03/05/2024
Joyce Griffiths 8 Bolton Avenue WORCESTER WR4 0ST 04/06/2024
Judy Bird 12 Gawtree Way WORCESTER WR4 0QE 02/05/2024
Julia Dale 23 Powderham Avenue WORCESTER WR4 0DN 24/04/2024
Julie Davis 3 Caister Avenue WORCESTER WR4 0QP 01/07/2024
Julie Higgins 7 Thackholme WORCESTER WR4 0RZ 04/06/2024
K Matthews 27 Slade Avenue WORCESTER WR4 0HB 05/06/2024
Karin B 3 Cangle Lane WORCESTER WR4 0DY 29/04/2024
Kate Copeland 14 Grosmont Avenue WORCESTER WR4 0RD 01/05/2024
Kate Davies 5 Conisborough WORCESTER WR4 0DH 22/05/2024
Katie Collins 23 Brecon Avenue WORCESTER WR4 0RJ 24/04/2024
Kay Speak 29 Middles Avenue WORCESTER WR4 0HE 01/07/2024
Kelvin Simmonds 5 White Hill WORCESTER WR4 0JG 02/05/2024
Kerry Jane Edwards 2 Hunt Avenue WORCESTER WR4 0QW 04/05/2024
Kerry Jane Edwards 2 Hunt Avenue WORCESTER WR4 0QW 29/05/2024
Kerry Rastall 38 Kiln Crescent WORCESTER WR3 8BT 22/05/2024
Kurt 55 Cartwright Avenue WORCESTER WR4 0NZ 20/05/2024
L Higgins 20 Bolton Avenue WORCESTER WR4 0ST 08/05/2024
Laura Burgess 4 Rough Meadow WORCESTER WR4 0JN 24/04/2024
Laura Turner 5 Corfe Avenue WORCESTER WR4 0EB 24/04/2024
Lee Hill 27 Ludlow Avenue WORCESTER WR4 0EN 02/05/2024
Leighton 9 Quisters WORCESTER WR4 0UT 24/05/2024
Lesley Fox 9 Wingfield Avenue WORCESTER WR4 0LE 07/05/2024
Linda Goldingay 3 Tattersall WORCESTER WR4 0PT 24/04/2024
Linda Webber 30 Hoskyns Avenue WORCESTER WR4 0LL 09/05/2024
Lindsey Martin 4 Tyndale WORCESTER WR4 0PR 08/05/2024
Lisa James 7 Burtree Avenue WORCESTER WR4 0NQ 01/05/2024
Lisa Mann 3 Wirlpiece Avenue WORCESTER WR4 0NF 26/04/2024
Lisa Sims 2 Grosmont Avenue WORCESTER WR4 0RD 27/04/2024
Louise 5 White Hill WORCESTER WR4 0JG 05/05/2024
Louise Amey 28 Towneley WORCESTER WR4 0RH 24/04/2024
Lucy Brown 52 Pippen Field WORCESTER WR4 0LP 28/04/2024
Lucy Shuttleworth 11 Gawtree Way WORCESTER WR4 0QE 26/04/2024
Lukasz Bulawa 18 Grosmont Avenue WORCESTER WR4 0RD 04/06/2024
Lyn Austen 10 Mabbs Close WORCESTER WR4 0SY 28/04/2024
Lynodn Bracewell 5 Cornmill Barns Spetchley Worcester 12/07/2024
Malcolm Evans 4 Tavern Orchard WORCESTER WR4 0NS 01/05/2024
malcolm williams 16 Bomford Hill WORCESTER WR4 0PW 25/04/2024
Margaret Arkinstall 2 Lloyd Close WORCESTER WR5 1BN 06/05/2024
Marie Leah 1 Ripley Gardens WORCESTER WR4 0SH 24/04/2024
Mark Aston 7 Ambleside Drive WORCESTER WR4 9DA 24/06/2024
Mark Baddeley 17 Mabbs Close WORCESTER WR4 0SY 03/05/2024
Mark Leonard Clark 13 Walmer Crescent WORCESTER WR4 0ES 09/05/2024
Mark shuttleworth 11 Gawtree Way WORCESTER WR4 0QE 26/04/2024
Mark Tipper 24 Barass Avenue WORCESTER WR4 0QD 24/04/2024
Mark Wood 4 Longthorpe WORCESTER WR4 0JH 22/05/2024
Martin Davies 39 Powderham Avenue WORCESTER WR4 0DN 22/05/2024
Martin Richardson 11 Towneley WORCESTER WR4 0RH 07/05/2024
Martyn Wood 7 Wharfedale Drive WORCESTER WR4 0BA 11/06/2024
Mary Yoxall 4 Stokesay Lane WORCESTER WR4 0LD 13/05/2024
Melanie Eastwood 11 Durham Road WORCESTER WR5 1NJ 29/04/2024
Michael Edwards 2 Hunt Avenue WORCESTER WR4 0QW 24/05/2024
Michael John Blundell 11 Auckland Close WORCESTER WR4 0SU 16/05/2024
Michael Lewis 62 Grosmont Avenue WORCESTER WR4 0RD 06/05/2024
Michael Neath 3 Ripley Gardens WORCESTER WR4 0SH 24/04/2024
Michael Ward 10 Ludlow Avenue WORCESTER WR4 0EN 05/06/2024
Michaella Maryon 7 Dalesbred Place WORCESTER WR5 2FA 24/04/2024
Michelle Buckland 21 Hunt Avenue WORCESTER WR4 0QW 24/04/2024
Mike O'Sullivan 25 Rowntree Gardens WORCESTER WR4 0SB 08/05/2024
Mike Watkins 4 Pirie Avenue WORCESTER WR4 0NE 02/05/2024
Miss Horton 11 Exbury Place WORCESTER WR5 3TP 13/05/2024
MR DANIEL COTTERILL 1 Topham Avenue WORCESTER WR4 0PG 24/04/2024
Mr David Brealey 3 Tyndale WORCESTER WR4 0PR 24/04/2024
Mr Dean While 5 Fry Close WORCESTER WR4 0SD 27/04/2024
Mr Hutt 7 Attwood Place WORCESTER WR4 0SW 01/05/2024
Mr Luke Baker 6 Rough Meadow WORCESTER WR4 0JN 10/05/2024
Mr Orton 3 Trevithick Close WORCESTER WR4 0NB 24/04/2024
Mr S. 21 Vetch Field Avenue WORCESTER WR4 0PA 13/09/2024
Mrs Anita Moule 2 Gawtree Way WORCESTER WR4 0QE 29/04/2024
Mrs Grandison 7 Wirlpiece Avenue WORCESTER WR4 0NF 30/05/2024
Mrs Jayne A Howey 31 Bridgnorth Row WORCESTER WR4 0QF 25/04/2024
MS 11 Bomford Hill WORCESTER WR4 0PW 02/05/2024
Ms Susan Collins 9 Bearcroft Avenue WORCESTER WR4 0DR 24/04/2024
Naomi Kelland 30 Fallow Field WORCESTER WR4 0UB 11/06/2024
Natalia 23 Collings Avenue WORCESTER WR4 0DL 04/06/2024
Natalie Blight 1 Birchanger Green WORCESTER WR4 0DW 24/04/2024
Nicholas Stephenson 5 Watchetts Green WORCESTER WR4 0RT 16/05/2024
Nicholas Ward 10 Ludlow Avenue WORCESTER WR4 0EN 05/06/2024
Nick French 6 Broadfield Gardens WORCESTER WR4 0DP 03/06/2024
Nick Houlston-Hope 11 Dockeray Avenue WORCESTER WR4 0RX 12/05/2024
Nicola Boswell 23 towneley, Worcester, wr4 0rh 23/06/2024
Owner /Occupier WORCESTER WR4 0NB 24/04/2024
owner/occupier 5 Ripley Gardens WORCESTER WR4 0SH 23/05/2024
Patricia Hall 78 Ploughmans walk droitwich 24/06/2024
Paul 21 Key Avenue WORCESTER WR4 0LT 07/05/2024
Paul Challacombe 10 Bacchurst Place WORCESTER WR4 0NH 30/05/2024
Paul Daniel Bennett 3 Wood Leason Avenue WORCESTER WR4 0EU 01/05/2024
Paul Darke 9 Hunt Avenue WORCESTER WR4 0QW 24/04/2024
Paul Jones 5 Haggs Meadow WORCESTER WR4 0RY 02/05/2024
Paul Kershaw Rose Cottage 19 Great Oaty Gardens WORCESTER WR4 0HD 05/05/2024
Paul Turner 5 Corfe Avenue WORCESTER WR4 0EB 24/04/2024
Paula Exton 54 Elkstone Close. Worcester. 26/04/2024
Paula L 30 Lister Avenue WORCESTER WR4 0SG 25/04/2024
Pauline Gilbert 4 Falmouth WORCESTER WR4 0TE 28/04/2024
Penny Kelly 8 Key Avenue WORCESTER WR4 0LT 24/04/2024
Peter Morris 27 Leeds Avenue WORCESTER WR4 0QL 02/05/2024
Phil larner 60 Grosmont Avenue WORCESTER WR4 0RD 25/04/2024
Phill Crump 1 Windles Row WORCESTER WR4 0RS 28/04/2024
Phillip Cowtan 4 Burdett Place WORCESTER WR4 0QT 09/05/2024
Pippa Wilkinson 10 Windles Row WORCESTER WR4 0RS 28/04/2024
Rachel Lownds 1 Wryflatt WORCESTER WR4 0LW 06/05/2024
Rachel Murray 9 Thackholme WORCESTER WR4 0RZ 24/04/2024
Rachel Pryke Warndon Court 4 St Nicholas Lane WORCESTER WR4 0SL 28/04/2024
Rav K Sandhu 44 Corfe Avenue WORCESTER WR4 0EB 02/05/2024
Rebecca 21 Vetch Field Avenue WORCESTER WR4 0PA 04/05/2024
Reeta Perry 12 Peabody Avenue WORCESTER WR4 0QA 03/05/2024
renata garlukovic 4 Caister Avenue WORCESTER WR4 0QP 04/06/2024
Richard Good 4 Turbary Avenue WORCESTER WR4 0PS 01/05/2024
Richard Lacey 7 Purleigh Avenue WORCESTER WR4 0DX 01/05/2024
Richard Manser 15 Hetherington Rise WORCESTER WR4 0QG 02/05/2024
Richard Senter 10 Purleigh Avenue WORCESTER WR4 0DX 24/04/2024
RITA Marie Antoinette O'REILLY 4 Tantallon Close WORCESTER WR4 0EW 04/06/2024
Robert Holliday Old Cobblers Barn 3 St Nicholas Lane WORCESTER WR4 0SL 13/05/2024
Robert Mann 53 Whitewood Way WORCESTER WR5 2LN 07/05/2024
Robert norton 5 Ripley Gardens WORCESTER WR4 0SH 23/05/2024
Robyn Sparkes 2 Leeds Avenue WORCESTER WR4 0QL 02/05/2024
Russell Walker 9 Woolmead Row WORCESTER WR4 0QB 17/05/2024
S Hill 27 Ludlow Avenue WORCESTER WR4 0EN 20/05/2024
Sabrina Grant 9 Dockeray Avenue WORCESTER WR4 0RX 02/05/2024
Sally Blight 10 Cangle Lane WORCESTER WR4 0DY 24/04/2024
Sally Garner 19 Grosmont Avenue WORCESTER WR4 0RD 01/07/2024
Sally Jones 4 Barass Avenue WORCESTER WR4 0QD 24/04/2024
Sam Brown 6 Herne Field WORCESTER WR4 0NN 24/04/2024
Sandra Bush 1 Deal Crescent WORCESTER WR4 0LJ 05/05/2024
Sangram Pathania 17 Thetford Avenue WORCESTER WR4 0RB 23/05/2024
Sara Parry 10 Powderham Avenue WORCESTER WR4 0DN 24/04/2024
Sarah Barber 29 Farundles Avenue WORCESTER WR4 0LX 28/04/2024
Sarah Smith 14 Wirlpiece Avenue WORCESTER WR4 0NF 26/04/2024
Sarah Sockett 12 Middleton Gardens WORCESTER WR4 0HL 28/04/2024
Scott 10 Peabody Avenue WORCESTER WR4 0QA 02/05/2024
Sean Stock 14 Clews Close 24/06/2024
Sharon Muranyi 3 Fry Close WORCESTER WR4 0SD 24/04/2024
Sharon while 5 Fry Close WORCESTER WR4 0SD 21/06/2024
Shaun Robinson 39 Marsh Avenue WORCESTER WR4 0HJ 24/04/2024
Shelley Eyers 26 Corfe Avenue WORCESTER WR4 0EB 01/05/2024
SHIRLEY QUINTON 3 Thetford Avenue WORCESTER WR4 0RB 05/06/2024
Shirley Washbourne 6 Auckland Close WORCESTER WR4 0SU 05/05/2024
Shona Catto 30 Towneley WORCESTER WR4 0RH 24/04/2024
Siân Williams 1 Wryflatt WORCESTER WR4 0LW 12/05/2024
Simon Haines Avenue Harley Warren Worcester WR4 0DG 23/05/2024
Simon Hughes 4 Tantallon Close WORCESTER WR4 0EW 03/06/2024
SIMON MURRAY 1 Wirlpiece Avenue WORCESTER WR4 0NF 24/04/2024
Simon pearce 20 Mabbs Close WORCESTER WR4 0SY 28/04/2024
Sophie Martin 36 Tudor Way WORCESTER WR2 5QN 14/05/2024
Steven Beston 2 Wood Piece Close WORCESTER WR4 0DB 03/05/2024
Steven Grant 9 Dockeray Avenue WORCESTER WR4 0RX 05/06/2024
Stuart Forrest and Sarah Murray 9 Broadfield Gardens WORCESTER WR4 0DP 05/06/2024
Stuart Phillips 4 Birchanger Green WORCESTER WR4 0DW 02/05/2024
Sue Johnson 1 Windles Row WORCESTER WR4 0RS 28/04/2024
Suzanne Britten 7 Cobden Avenue WORCESTER WR4 0NA 23/05/2024
Tamsin 5 Debdale Avenue WORCESTER WR4 0RP 28/04/2024
Tanya Cunningham 6 Trotshill Lane East WORCESTER WR4 0HX 24/04/2024
Terence Holland 35 Corfe Avenue WORCESTER WR4 0EB 22/05/2024
Theresa Gilbert 15 Hever Avenue WORCESTER WR4 0DQ 02/05/2024
Tim Davies 5 Purleigh Avenue WORCESTER WR4 0DX 01/05/2024
Timothy Allen 11 Snowberry Avenue WORCESTER WR4 0JA 02/05/2024
Tom Shipsey 15 Menston Close WORCESTER WR4 0BB 01/05/2024
Tracy Giles 5 Auckland Close WORCESTER WR4 0SU 01/05/2024
Tracy Smart 19 Mabbs Close WORCESTER WR4 0SY 02/07/2024
VICTORIA LEWIS 22 Toftdale Green WORCESTER WR4 0PE 02/05/2024
Victoria Williams 11 Bomford Hill WORCESTER WR4 0PW 02/05/2024
W Collins 23 Brecon Avenue WORCESTER WR4 0RJ 24/04/2024
Wayne Claridge 75 Winchcombe Drive WORCESTER WR4 9XA 22/05/2024
Wendy Ohara Manor Parkes 3A Egremont Gardens WORCESTER WR4 0QH 30/04/2024
Wendy Phelps 6 Plough Croft WORCESTER WR4 0LF 26/04/2024
William Coates 6 Watchetts Green WORCESTER WR4 0RT 30/05/2024
William Coates 6 Watchetts Green WORCESTER WR4 0RT 31/05/2024
William Coates 6 Watchetts Green WORCESTER WR4 0RT 31/05/2024
Worcestershire Wildlife Trust Lower Smite Farm Hindlip Worcester WR3 8SZ 09/07/2024
Yvette Coates 6 Watchetts Green WORCESTER WR4 0RT 03/06/2024
Yvette Overfield 21 Stephenson Way Honeybourne 07/05/2024
Zoe 11 Little Piece WORCESTER WR4 0RR 07/05/2024
Zoltan Csermak 15 Grosmont Avenue WORCESTER WR4 0RD 04/05/2024
Aaron Jones 4 Barass Avenue WORCESTER WR4 0QD 19/04/2024 24/04/2024
Amy Houlston-Hope 11 Dockeray Avenue WORCESTER WR4 0RX 19/04/2024 05/05/2024
Chris Bailey The Old Granary Trotshill Lane East WORCESTER WR4 0AT 19/04/2024 24/04/2024
Chris Ham 15 Woolmead Row WORCESTER WR4 0QB 19/04/2024 24/04/2024
Christopher Saul-Clayton 1 Gawtree Way WORCESTER WR4 0QE 19/04/2024 05/05/2024
Daniel Mazurek 44 Bolton Avenue WORCESTER WR4 0ST 19/04/2024 28/04/2024
Darren Rowney 8 Barass Avenue WORCESTER WR4 0QD 19/04/2024 30/04/2024
david bragg 10 Woolmead Row WORCESTER WR4 0QB 19/04/2024 30/04/2024
David Cooke 3 Wirlpiece Avenue WORCESTER WR4 0NF 19/04/2024 25/04/2024
David Wheatley 8 Woolmead Row WORCESTER WR4 0QB 19/04/2024 25/04/2024
Dawn Challacombe 10 Bacchurst Place WORCESTER WR4 0NH 19/04/2024 30/05/2024
Helen Lo'Monte 12 Bacchurst Place WORCESTER WR4 0NH 19/04/2024 01/05/2024
Helen Murray 1 Wirlpiece Avenue WORCESTER WR4 0NF 19/04/2024 24/04/2024
Huw Bran 2 Woolmead Row WORCESTER WR4 0QB 19/04/2024 03/05/2024
Jen Grainger-Williams 7 Barass Avenue WORCESTER WR4 0QD 19/04/2024 01/05/2024
Joanne Martin 21 Dockeray Avenue WORCESTER WR4 0RX 19/04/2024 06/05/2024
Joanne Walker 9 Woolmead Row WORCESTER WR4 0QB 19/04/2024 16/05/2024
Karen Beamont Beamont 19 Dockeray Avenue WORCESTER WR4 0RX 19/04/2024 24/04/2024
Lin Allkins 38 Bolton Avenue WORCESTER WR4 0ST 19/04/2024 25/04/2024
mark jones 9 Barass Avenue WORCESTER WR4 0QD 19/04/2024 29/04/2024
Owner / Occupier 1 Barass Avenue WORCESTER WR4 0QD 19/04/2024
Owner / Occupier 1 Woolmead Row WORCESTER WR4 0QB 19/04/2024
Owner / Occupier 11 Woolmead Row WORCESTER WR4 0QB 19/04/2024
Owner / Occupier 15 Dockeray Avenue WORCESTER WR4 0RX 19/04/2024
Owner / Occupier 17 Dockeray Avenue WORCESTER WR4 0RX 19/04/2024
Owner / Occupier 3 Barass Avenue WORCESTER WR4 0QD 19/04/2024
Owner / Occupier 30 Bolton Avenue WORCESTER WR4 0ST 19/04/2024
Owner / Occupier 36 Bolton Avenue WORCESTER WR4 0ST 19/04/2024
Owner / Occupier 42 Bolton Avenue WORCESTER WR4 0ST 19/04/2024
Owner / Occupier 5 Woolmead Row WORCESTER WR4 0QB 19/04/2024
Owner / Occupier 7 Woolmead Row WORCESTER WR4 0QB 19/04/2024
Owner / Occupier Cruck Barn Trotshill Lane East WORCESTER WR4 0AT 19/04/2024
Owner / Occupier Owl Barn Trotshill Lane East WORCESTER WR4 0AT 19/04/2024
Owner / Occupier Raven Barn Trotshill Lane East WORCESTER WR4 0AT 19/04/2024
Owner / Occupier The Coach House Trotshill Lane East WORCESTER WR4 0AT 19/04/2024
Owner / Occupier The Parlour Trotshill Lane East WORCESTER WR4 0AT 19/04/2024
Owner / Occupier Trotshill House Trotshill Lane East WORCESTER WR4 0AT 19/04/2024
Owner / Occupier Unit A Roundhouse Way WORCESTER WR4 0SZ 19/04/2024
Owner / Occupier Unit B Roundhouse Way WORCESTER WR4 0SZ 19/04/2024
Owner / Occupier Unit C Roundhouse Way WORCESTER WR4 0SZ 19/04/2024
Owner / Occupier 10 Barass Avenue WORCESTER WR4 0QD 19/04/2024
Owner / Occupier 12 Barass Avenue WORCESTER WR4 0QD 19/04/2024
Owner / Occupier 14 Barass Avenue WORCESTER WR4 0QD 19/04/2024
Owner / Occupier 16 Barass Avenue WORCESTER WR4 0QD 19/04/2024
Owner / Occupier 3 Gawtree Way WORCESTER WR4 0QE 19/04/2024
Owner / Occupier 4 Woolmead Row WORCESTER WR4 0QB 19/04/2024
Owner / Occupier 5 Gawtree Way WORCESTER WR4 0QE 19/04/2024
Owner / Occupier 6 Woolmead Row WORCESTER WR4 0QB 19/04/2024
Richard Bidwell 3 Woolmead Row WORCESTER WR4 0QB 19/04/2024 27/05/2024
Samantha Helme 2 Barass Avenue WORCESTER WR4 0QD 19/04/2024 04/06/2024
Steven Lees 6 Barass Avenue WORCESTER WR4 0QD 19/04/2024 20/05/2024
Sue Logan 5 Barass Avenue WORCESTER WR4 0QD 19/04/2024 01/05/2024

Consultee List

Name Organisation Sent Reply Due Reply Received
Transport Planning Unit 19/04/2024 10/05/2024
Highways England 19/04/2024 10/05/2024
Worcestershire Regulatory Services (Contaminated) 19/04/2024 10/05/2024
(Air Quality) Worcestershire Regulatory Services 19/04/2024 10/05/2024
(Nuisance) Worcestershire Regulatory Services 19/04/2024 10/05/2024
Aidan Smyth Archaeology 19/04/2024 10/05/2024
Aidan Smyth Archaeology 19/04/2024 10/05/2024
Alvan Kingston Tree and Landscape Officer 19/04/2024 10/05/2024
Andrew Fell South Worcestershire Land Drainage Partnership 19/04/2024 10/05/2024
Andrew Fell South Worcestershire Land Drainage Partnership 19/04/2024 10/05/2024
Ben Horovitz County Council - Health and Sustainability 19/04/2024 10/05/2024
Chris Dobbs Landscape Officer 19/04/2024 10/05/2024
Corin Beames Planning Policy Officer 19/04/2024 10/05/2024
Councillor Sarah Murray(St Nicholas) 19/04/2024 10/05/2024
Councillor Stephen Hodgson (Warndon N) 19/04/2024 10/05/2024
Jacqueline Godfrey Hunt West Mercia Police 19/04/2024 10/05/2024
Kevin Haines Refuse Management 19/04/2024 10/05/2024
Kevin Haines Refuse Management 19/04/2024 10/05/2024
Nick Kay Economic Development Officer 19/04/2024 10/05/2024
Public Path Order Officer Worcestershire County Council 19/04/2024 10/05/2024
Public Path Order Officer Worcestershire County Council 19/04/2024 10/05/2024
Susan Carr Warndon Parish Council 19/04/2024 10/05/2024
Sustainability Officer Sustainability Officer 19/04/2024 10/05/2024
Ramblers Association Worcester 29/04/2024 20/05/2024
Cody Levine Ecology Team 29/04/2024 20/05/2024
Worcestershire Regulatory Services (Contaminated) 14/05/2024 04/06/2024
Dr Lisa McNally Director of Public Health 15/05/2024 05/06/2024
Transport Planning Unit 24/06/2024 01/07/2024
Andrew Fell South Worcestershire Land Drainage Partnership 24/06/2024 01/07/2024
Worcester Wildlife Trust 10/09/2024 20/09/2024
Chris Dobbs Landscape Officer 10/09/2024 20/09/2024
Cody Levine Ecology Team 10/09/2024 20/09/2024

Constraints List

Constraints List
Public Right of Way: 564(C)
Air Quality Management Area: Worcester City AQMA
Resident Association: Warren and Goodacre Residents Association - criteria: NULL - apgrecno:19 - contact email: NULL
SWDP 24: Archaeological Sensitive Areas (ASA)
SWDP43/23:Employment Allocations
SWDP 38: Green Space
SWDP 5: Protect and Restore
SWDP 2: Significant Gap
Ancient Woodland: WARNDON WOOD
No associated appeals